Allergies & Asthma


Allergies are often viewed as an imbalance in the body's immune system and a reaction to external pathogens such as wind, cold, heat, or dampness. This ancient perspective sees allergies as a manifestation of disharmony within the body, stemming from weaknesses in the lung, spleen, or kidney meridians, as well as disruptions in the flow of Qi and blood. Factors such as dietary habits, emotional stress, environmental pollutants, and constitutional weaknesses may exacerbate these imbalances. Treatment for allergies in Chinese medicine typically involves a holistic approach that includes acupuncture, herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications. Acupuncture helps regulate the body's immune response, reduce inflammation, and rebalance Qi flow, providing relief from allergy symptoms. Herbal formulas are often prescribed to strengthen the immune system, clear heat and dampness, and harmonize the body's internal systems. Dietary recommendations may include avoiding allergenic foods and incorporating foods that support immune function and respiratory health.

Asthma is understood as a disorder of the lung meridian and is often attributed to imbalances in the body's vital energy, or Qi, as well as disturbances in the flow of Yin and Yang energies. This traditional perspective views asthma as a result of external pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, heat, or dampness invading the lungs, leading to constriction of the airways and difficulty breathing. Additionally, emotional stress, dietary habits, environmental pollutants, and constitutional weaknesses may contribute to the development and exacerbation of asthma symptoms. Treatment for asthma in Chinese medicine typically involves a comprehensive approach that includes acupuncture, herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications. Acupuncture helps regulate lung function, promote Qi flow, and reduce inflammation in the airways, providing relief from asthma symptoms. Herbal formulas are often prescribed to strengthen lung Qi, expel phlegm, and resolve dampness, addressing the root causes of asthma. Dietary recommendations may include avoiding foods that trigger inflammation and incorporating foods that support respiratory health. Lifestyle modifications such as stress reduction techniques, proper hydration, regular exercise, and avoiding exposure to environmental triggers further complement the holistic approach to managing asthma in Chinese medicine, promoting lung function and overall well-being.