Migraine & Headache


Migraine’s affect about 10% of people worldwide. It is defined as an intense headache that lasts several hours up to multiple days. It is experienced with a throbbing, pulsing, or stabbing pain. It may be accompanied with increased sensitivity to any sensory input as well as nausea / vertigo. 

Current Western medicine theory claims that the cause relates to abnormal neurological functions in the brain. A cascade of chemical activity, possibly caused by fluctuations in hormones, causes the blood vessels to constrict, which leads to the pressure in head, throbbing pain and elevated nerve sensations. Tight neck and upper back muscles can restrict circulation to the head and contribute to the formation of migraines. Inner ear issues that cause vertigo/tinnitus/nausea have also been linked. 

Women are up to 3 times more likely to develop migraines. This is due to the drop in estrogen during their monthly cycle. A method Western practitioners use to help with this is to cancel out the week of placebo pills when they are taking oral birth control, (this is to prevent that drop in hormones). 

TCM theory explains that this issue can be due to several different problems. The stagnation of our life force energy, (Qi) and blood in our meridians can weaken other organ systems. When these systems begin to lose their function, they allow energy to enter places they shouldn’t. In this case, the liver/spleen/kidney lose their function to hold our yang energy down and allow it to rise in excess to the head. A poor diet can cause the digestive system  to create a substance known as phlegm. This leads to more stagnation in the system and can cause heat to build up and send excess energy to the head.