Skin Conditions


In Chinese medicine, skin issues are often viewed as manifestations of imbalances within the body's internal systems, particularly the interplay between Qi, blood, Yin, and Yang energies. According to this traditional framework, skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis can arise from disruptions in the flow of Qi and blood, as well as excess heat, dampness, or wind invading the body. These imbalances may be influenced by factors such as diet, emotions, environmental factors, and constitutional weaknesses. By identifying the underlying patterns of disharmony unique to each individual, Chinese medicine offers a holistic understanding of skin issues and provides tailored treatment approaches to address the root causes.

Treatment for skin issues in Chinese medicine typically involves a combination of acupuncture, herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications. Acupuncture helps regulate Qi and blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and restore balance to the body's internal systems, thereby promoting healthy skin function. Herbal formulas are often prescribed to clear heat, resolve dampness, nourish Yin, and expel wind, depending on the specific pattern of disharmony present. Dietary recommendations may include avoiding inflammatory foods like spicy, greasy, or processed foods while emphasizing cooling, detoxifying, and nourishing foods that support skin health. Lifestyle modifications such as stress management techniques, adequate hydration, proper skincare routines, and avoiding environmental triggers further complement the holistic approach to managing skin issues in Chinese medicine, promoting clear, radiant skin from the inside out.